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Grundy County Historical Society
CulturalAttractions & MuseumsEducationGenealogy Research Gifts Nonprofit
Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Contact Museum for Group Tours
About Us
The Purpose of the Grundy County Historical Society Museum is to provide a permanent location to house, preserve, and exhibit objects pertaining to the county’s past including items of a cultural, social, geological, and anthropological nature.
The Historical Society was organized in 1923. The initial collection was displayed in a few handmade cases in the basement of the Grundy County Courthouse. Eventually in 2001, the Society rented a storefront on Liberty Street in Morris.
Then, in 2008, space was purchased in the historic Coleman Hardware Building and our Museum was fully realized. After 84 years, the collection finally had a permanent home.
In 2018 we added an additional 5,000 square feet for display, storage and research purposes.
We offer private tours of the museum and the Caboose with 24 hours notice.
In addition the Museum has a meeting room which can comfortably seat up to 10 people around a conference table or 30 people in auditorium seating for use before or after a tour.
Gift Shop
While you are visiting the Grundy County Historical Society Museum, be sure to stop by our gift shop. There are many items helping to illustrate the rich history of our area. From literature to art work, take a piece of history with you. Take a look at some of the books we have available here, but keep in mind we offer many more Grundy County exclusive items in our shop.
We are happy to be selling works or art from the Morris Watercolor Guild. Please stop by to see the beautiful pictures, note cards and bookmarks. They are all for sale!
- Visit Grundy County Historical Museum Where History is Collected, Preserved and Displayed.
- Learn More about Special Exhibits Including the Nettle Creek Aqueduct
- View Our Events and Educational programs that are open to the public.
- Become a Member and receive our newsletter and a copy of the Yearbook
- Be sure to stop by our gift shop - Gifts, Literature and Art Work

I've Been to Dwight: The Story of the Keeley Cure
- Grundy County HIstorical Society is hosting a program on the history of the Keeley Institute and the Keeley Cure for Alcoholism
- Tuesday Mar 25, 2025
Rep/Contact Info

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